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Monday, November 19, 2007

Registry Hack : Edit the Startup Program List

Many of the programs that run at the boot time do not figure in the Startup folder. If you want to block more than one application from loading at the startup, you will need to manually block of those individually through their preference settings. Tedious and time consuming. This hack can help you do the same in one go.

Type “regedit” in the Run Command and then follow these steps.


And also to:


All the programs that load at the startup are listed under these two keys. Delete all the entries which you don’t want started up at boot time. Next bootup, they will be gone.

Note: Be careful while deleting entries from these two keys. Do not delete programs such as anti-virus and anti-spyware programs which could result in some problems. They can be easily identified from their path.

1 comment:

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